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Hey - it's your ole roomie from Louisiana! Happy Happy Birthday! Are you 30 yet?? It is SO time for you to be 30!! Wishing you a great year, with lots of hard laughter, great music, yummy food, and loyal friends...may god give ya many more years on this earth...smooch!


Happy Birthday! No guilty feelings for having multiple birthday outings, if you're celebrating, you might as well go all out!




Whoooo! Happy birthday, um, yesterday. Here's to possibilities and optimism. :)


Happy Birthday! And HOORAY for International Pamjama Day!


Are you kidding me?? You feel guilty if you don't celebrate your birthday multiple times!!!

Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday chica!! Hope this year is wonderful for you!


Hey E - a very happy birthday! I can't believe it's that time of year again. We will be celebrating PJ-day in earnest over the weekend too...

Karen Bruce

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! Wish we could be there!

sarah b.

I'm a day late and a dollar short (story of my life), but happy birthday anyway!


Happy Birthday!!!!

I used to love that counting crowes album and listen to it over and over in high school. I loved that song and I really liked the words! So here's to your new years resolutions...


Happy Birthday!!!! (again)

So? You? Me? Coffee? Knitting? Soon?


happy belated birthday! you should celebrate as often possible! why limit the fun to just one day?

flowers! confetti! resolutions!

it sounds just right :-)


So sorry I missed your birthday! Sounds like a lovely time. I loove my pj days :)


Happy belated Bday! Everyone deserves a good one; it sounds like you deserved a Great one! Enjoy it.

Ya' know, around these parts ("these parts" being our house), we celebrate birthday weeks. Everyday is not a huge celebration and lots of gifts. But at least one small gift or special treat each day of the week. Plus, you get two weekends during your bday week. Awesome, huh?

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