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Um, because there is something about watching all of the episodes of a show in succession that makes a girl SO HAPPY. Seriously.


Every time the "I Love the ..." series are on VH1, I will sit and watch them for hours, even though I have seen them at least 10 times each.

I hate it magazines show items for budgets and it turns out to really mean "budgets more than yours, sucker."


Sorry I missed your birthday thing :/ I wanted to go..I was looking forward to it! I came down with a bad cold and am still recovering.

I LOVE the Flyer couch. Too cute. But it! Har har...

Uhmm...so when are we gonna get together to knit?!


Ok, I'm 3 posts behind but have to comment. The couches! You can't show me that! Oh I need one. They're both so nice. I need a couch *whine*

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