I'll be blog-celebrity watching at the Blogher conference tomorrow. It's a pricey way to stalk people but I couldn't resist. Other people flew across multiple states for this. I just have to drive an hour. on a saturday morning. at 7am. well, i guess we all have to sacrifice. If I could only find the charger for my camera I'd be set.
I have an inferiority complex when I meet other bloggers. I tend to introduce myself by saying... "yeah, well, I'm only a knit blogger". And if I can't stop myself I may add.... "I don't even knit that much. Crafty blogger, maybe." or "they are some really popular knit bloggers. not me, but they are out there" Someone told me not to do that. So I'm going to try my hardest tomorrow to have some self esteem. And if that fails, I'll do what I did all through high school, I'll pretend I have confidence.
Maybe I'll give myself a pep talk in the mirror before I go.
Or maybe if I bring my knitting and knit through the conference then I won't feel the need to explain myself every 5 minutes. What's the rule on knitting during a non-work conference anyway? Is it allowed?
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